User Manual

How to use TracMe™️
Product Components

Elbow Sleeve (2 pcs)

Knee Sleeve (2 pcs)
The sleeves are not specific to the left or right side
The device has markings for elbows/knees and left (L)/right (R), which are indicated on the back.

Device (4 pcs)

4 in 1 USB-C Charging Cable

TracMe Bag
Product Usage Instructions

1. TracMe™️ Application Integration
App Download and Launch
Download and launch the TracMe application on your smartphone.
Account Login
Please create a new account and complete the workout survey. If you already have an account, please log in.
Access the Device Pairing Page
On the workout page, click ‘Connect Devices’ or go to My Page and click ‘Manage Devices'.


Click ‘Connect Device’ on the workout page.
Click ‘Manage Devices’ on the My Page.

2. Wear the sleeve and attach the device
Select sleeve
Select the sleeve that fits the designated area.
Wear the sleeve
Wear the sleeve so that the elbow and knee are positioned in the exact center of the circular area inside the sleeve.
Make sure to tighten the sleeve so it is not loose.
If the sleeve is loose, the counting may not be accurate.

Please check the exact center of the circular area inside the sleeve.
Attach the device
Attach the device on top of the sleeve.
Ensure the device is positioned with the USB-C charging port facing down.
Please attach the device according to the marked position on the back.

3. Connect TracMe™️ via Bluetooth
Turn on the device
After entering device pairing mode, please turn on each device one by one.
Check the Bluetooth signal
Check if the Bluetooth signal of the device is activated.
When Bluetooth is activated, a blue light will blink.
Once activation is complete, the device will automatically sync with the application and the mounted area.
The device light will become steady when activated.
Please check the connection and activation status within the application.

Before connection

After connection

Connection screen

4. TracMe™️ Calibration
Start calibration measurement
Once the device and application are successfully synced, proceed with measuring the resistance values for each area’s bending.
Maintain proper posture
During resistance measurement, please refrain from performing any movements other than the specified posture (any other movements may make it difficult to record resistance measurements.)
Measure elbow calibration
Perform 3 repetitions of fully bending both arms.
Measure knee calibration
Perform 3 repetitions of fully bending both knees.
Calibration measurement


5. Start recommended routine workout
Start workout
Start the routine workout based on the set values.
Please follow the instructions in the application to perform the workout.
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